About Doshi Audio
Doshi Audio was started by Nick Doshi in 2006. Prior to this, Nick had been building audio equipment for years as a hobby for friends. The first product was the Alaap full function preamplifier followed by a line stage and phono stage. These legacy products were created on the very same philosophy that we continue to follow in every Doshi Audio product built today.
Nick Doshi
One of my first living memories is sitting with my parents at a concert. My parents were very involved in music, and they would often bring me to these musical events. Although I was young, the experience of hearing live voices and acoustic instruments built a musical foundation that has informed me later in life as a recording engineer, and now as a designer of amplification systems.
My individual interest in audio began when a recording engineer indulged a 10 year old (me), by playing a tape of the live concert he had just completed recording – I still remember that the recorder was a Nakamichi 600mk2 cassette deck. Hearing the music playback allowed me to experience the excitement of the concert all over again, and I was instantly enchanted. This moment created an obsession. From then on, I found myself wandering over to the mixing booths at every concert I attended – to look at what the engineers were doing and to maybe get a listen to the tape of their live mixes.
Later in life, it was an easy choice to pursue becoming a recording engineer as my career.
Every Doshi Audio component is designed to achieve two goals: The first is to be true to the audio signal; the second is to provide trouble-free, optimal operation of all our units.

Truely Superior Sound –
The sound through the Doshi Audio V3.0 products was warm and inviting as in, “I must hear more”
Best of Show | Best Sound
A system wins here, one of Paragon Sight and Sound’s rooms featuring Wilson Audio Sasha 2s, Doshi Audio electronics, dCS Rossini DAC and Master Clock, Brinkmann Balance turntable and ’arm, My Sonic Labs Signature Platinum cartridge, and Transparent Reference cables. An oasis of musical calm anytime I stuck my head in the door.
Cardas Audio Excels with Joseph and Doshi
But I would be remiss to not include the new Hybrid Stereo amp ($19,995) from Doshi Audio that were powering everything. A gorgeous piece of amplifier, there are eight EL34 tubes with a mirror-like chrome cover of transformers behind reflecting the glass. Joining in the fun were Doshi’s line stage ($17,995) and tape pre ($17,995).
RMAF 2018: Joseph Audio, Doshi Audio, Cardas and the Rest of Your Life
This was one of Jeff’s best-sounding set-ups I’ve heard—and I’ve heard quite a few—which led me to believe that the Doshi Audio amplification, as well as the Cardas Clear Beyond cabling, were providing uncommon synergy in the room.
Doshi Audio Monoblock V3.0 power amplifier
The remarkably air-filled, three-dimensional, gratifyingly warm sound of Doshi Audio’s Monoblock V3.0 amplifiers demands a place on the short list of amplifier seekers who listen to music for hours on end.
– Jason Victor Serinus
Command Performance AV: Doshi Audio electronics
The system’s sound was very clean and transparent and easily showed the vast differences between either the 15-ips tapes or LPs that were played.
Capital Audiofest: Hitting the Ground Running
The system played it with a tremendous sense of ease, the music simply existing between the speakers without apparent effort. Chris Thile’s voice had well-defined, full-bodied presence in the room, and the limber, graceful phrases played by banjoist Noam Pikelny were breathtaking in their realism.
Want to Learn More?
If you have any general questions or wish to purchase equipment found on our website, please use the form below to reach out – we will get back with you as quickly as possible.